You think that there are several pots of curd in front of you. Now you are going to eat curd. Before you eat or when you eat, you must know of which kind of milk, may be cow’s milk or buffalo’s milk or goat’s milk or some other kind of milk, each pot of curd is made up and how each pot of curd is. That means, before you eat or at least when you are eating, you must know the kind, nature and quality of curd. If not, you will get and face many troubles, obstacles, problems, illnesses, bitter-nesses, dangers, harsh-nesses or losses. If one kind of milk that used for making curd is allergic to you or if taste, smell or appearance of curd is bad or if curd is contaminated and having harmful germs or if curd is spoilt or if the nature and quality of curd are not in a suitable condition to be eaten or for consumption, you will definitely get and face many troubles, obstacles, problems, illnesses, bitter-nesses, dangers, harsh-nesses and losses after eating this curd. And also, if the milk that used for making each pot of curd is not allergic to you and if taste, smell and appearance of curd are good or if curd is both not contaminated and not having harmful germs or if curd is not spoilt or if the nature and quality of curd are in a suitable condition to be eaten or for consumption, you will never get and face such kinds of troubles, obstacles, problems, illnesses, bitter-nesses, dangers, harsh-nesses and losses. These kinds of curd are pleasant and tastier to be eaten. And also, these kinds of curd help for betterment of your health and nourishment. Therefore, when you eat curd, before you eat or at least when you are eating, you must know each and every kind of things about each pot of curd in front of you. As similar to this, when you move or associate with your various kinds of friends or colleagues throughout your life, you must know each and every thing about the kind, nature, quality, character, behaviors, moves and actions of each and every friend or colleague of yours. Moving or associating with friends or colleagues is similar to eating of curd in several or many pots. So, you will please be wise enough both in eating curd and moving or associating with friends or colleagues.

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