After all, based on that strange and miraculous process of spiritual experiences, very special letter which was written by me on 8th May 1990 and special amazing spiritual experiences those which I experienced after above mentioned process, I started my spiritual research at the beginning of 1999 and I have been continuing it until today. It may take many days to explain the things those which I tested or experimented, I experienced, I realized or understood and I discovered during past eighteen years of my spiritual research. Now I am going to tell you a little about my spiritual research. At the beginning of my spiritual research, that means at the beginning of 1999 I made four major assumptions. They are as follows;

  1. There are no separate Buddhist gods, goddesses, deities and angels who restrict only to Buddhists. All gods, goddesses, deities and angels who are found and mentioned in Buddhism are common, equal and helpful evenly to all human-beings including Buddhists, Catholics or Christians, Muslims and Hindus. And also, there are no separate Catholic or Christian gods, goddesses, deities and angels who restrict only to Catholics or Christians. All gods, goddesses, deities and angels who are found and mentioned in Catholicism or Christianity are common, equal and helpful evenly to all human-beings including Catholics or Christians, Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus. And also, there are no separate Islamic (Muslim) gods, goddesses, deities and angels who restrict only to Muslims. All gods, goddesses, deities and angels who are found and mentioned in Islam are common, equal and helpful evenly to all human-beings including Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics or Christians and Hindus. And also, there are no separate Hindu gods, goddesses, deities and angels who restrict only to Hindus. All gods, goddesses, deities and angels who are found and mentioned in Hinduism are common, equal and helpful evenly to all human-beings including Hindus, Buddhists, Catholics or Christians and Muslims. Although human-beings have divisions or separations such as nationalities, religions, countries, castes or tribes, skin-colors, classes, political groups, organizations, social status, professional status and so on among them, gods, goddesses, deities and angels who are found and mentioned in Buddhism, Catholicism or Christianity, Islam and Hinduism do never have such divisions or separations among them and regarding with human-beings. Gods, goddesses, deities and angels who are found and mentioned in Buddhism, Catholicism or Christianity, Islam and Hinduism see all human-beings including Buddhists, Catholics or Christians, Muslims and Hindus (actually all beings) as one.
  2. There are no separate Buddhist heavens those which restrict to Buddhist gods, goddesses, deities, angels and Buddhists. There are no separate Catholic or Christian heavens those which restrict only to Catholic or Christian gods, goddesses, deities, angels and Catholics or Christians. And also, there are no separate Islam (Muslim) heavens those which restrict only to Islam (Muslim) gods, goddesses, deities, angels and Muslims. And also, there are no separate Hindu heavens those which restrict only to Hindu gods, goddesses, deities, angels and Hindus. All heavens those which are found, mentioned and described in Buddhism, Catholicism or Christianity, Islam and Hinduism are same, equal and the one. All gods, goddesses, deities and angels who are found and mentioned in Buddhism, Catholicism or Christianity, Islam and Hinduism abide or reside or live in these same heavens together and all good and perfect Buddhists, Catholics or Christians, Muslims and Hindus go to these same heavens after death. (There are some other worlds named Brahma-worlds those which are higher and more advanced than heavens and those which are found, mentioned and described only in Buddhism and Hinduism. I am not going to explain or describe about them right now).
  3. All Buddhists, Catholics or Christians, Muslims and Hindus believe in and hope for an eternal final redemption one day in the future. According to Islam and Catholicism or Christianity, if this eternal final redemption is a life in heavens and if this is true and correct, the eternal final redemption of all human-beings including Buddhists, Catholics or Christians, Muslims and Hindus must be a life in heavens. According to Hinduism if this eternal final redemption is a life in Brahma-worlds and if this is true and correct, the eternal final redemption of all human-beings including Buddhists, Catholics or Christians, Muslims and Hindus must be a life in Brahma-worlds. According to Buddhism, if this eternal final redemption is Nirvana and if this is true and correct, the eternal final redemption of all human-beings including Buddhists, Catholics or Christian, Muslims and Hindus must be the Nirvana. There are three kinds of major eternal final redemptions in front of us according to four major faiths. They are a life in heavens, a life in Brahma-worlds and the Nirvana. I am not going to tell that this is the most perfect eternal final redemption or that is the most perfect eternal final redemption. Actually I am not intelligent enough or wise enough to tell such a thing at all. It is the task of wise human-beings to find and choose the most correct and perfect eternal final redemption from among them and follow it. But I feel one thing that one of three of them must be the actual, real,, last and one and only eternal final redemption of all human-beings including Buddhists, Catholics or Christians, Muslims and Hindus. And also I feel that these three kinds of major eternal final redemptions in front of us may be the levels of actual, real, last eternal final redemption and these three should be arranged according to the perfect and correct order and then should be followed.
  4. The important teachings, preaching and discourses in Bible (the holy book of Catholicism or Christianity) are not only for and valid only for Catholics or Christians. The important teachings, preaching and discourses in Bible are important, common, applicable and valid for and are for all human-beings including Buddhists, Catholics or Christians, Muslims and Hindus. The important teachings, preaching and discourses in Qur’an (the holy book of Islam) are not only for and valid only for Muslims. The important teachings, preaching and discourses in Qur’an are important, common, applicable and valid for and are for all human-beings including Buddhists, Catholics or Christians, Muslims and Hindus. The important teachings, preaching and discourses in Thripitakaya (the holy book set of Buddhism) are not only for and valid only for Buddhists. The important teachings, preaching and discourses in Thripitakaya are important, common, applicable and valid for and are for all human-beings including Buddhists, Catholics or Christians, Muslims and Hindus. The important teachings, preaching and discourses in Bhagawadgitha (the holy book of Hinduism) are not only for and valid only for Hindus. The important teachings, preaching and discourses in Bhagawadgitha are important, common, applicable and valid for and are for all human-beings including Buddhists, Catholics or Christians, Muslims and Hindus. So all of us, all human-beings including Buddhists, Catholics or Christians, Muslims and Hindus must study Bible, Qur’an, Thripitakaya and Bhagawadgitha deeply, correctly, perfectly and evenly and should follow the important, true and correct teachings, preaching and discourses in Bible, Qur’an, Thripitakaya and Bhagawadgitha without any divisions or separations.


These four assumptions were just assumptions to me at the beginning. But when I have been continuing my spiritual research, I paid much attention on these four assumptions with a keen mind. With time of my spiritual research, these four assumptions have become into decisions and conclusions. Today I am certain that these four assumptions are true and correct conclusions.

In my spiritual research, from the beginning of it, I used following practices.

  • Self suggestions
  • Islamic prayers
  • Catholic and Christian prayers
  • Hindu Manthra or Hindu chants
  • Yoga practices (specially the Yoga exercises those which help to awaken the serpentine energy or Kundilini Shakthi)
  • Yoga meditations such as Pranayama (meditation on breath controlling) which directly helps to awaken the serpentine energy or Kundilini Shakthi
  • Many kinds of Buddhist meditations

During past duration of my spiritual research I practiced above techniques continuously and I found a fresh knowledge about spiritual matters and universal matters through my spiritual practices and spiritual research.

Usually people get knowledge through reading, studying, researches, self-experiences, watching television, listening to radio and others and through internet. I also get knowledge through these ways. In addition to these ways, there are other two special ways through which I get knowledge. They are;

  • Through dreams
  • Through meditations-when I am in a relax mental state of meditation after meditations, I get knowledge automatically through self-understanding

The knowledge I got through dreams had been converted into writings or documents by myself. I have collected a lot of them. The knowledge I got through meditations had been converted into diagrams or illustrations. And I have collected a lot of them too. These documents and diagrams consist of a fresh knowledge about the universe, universal laws, universal truths, universal theories, human mind and human behaviors.

After I got this knowledge I was awakened to study the holy books. According to that I started to study these holy books after the year 2009. Thus I studied the original copies of holy Qur’an, holy Bible, holy Bhagawadgitha and some other holy ancient Hindu spiritual text books and holy Thripitakaya and some other holy Buddhist spiritual text books from word to word in addition to my spiritual practices. I found many amazing secrets in these holy books too. I picked up some important, practicable theories and facts from these holy books for my spiritual research.

I told you that the knowledge I got through dreams and meditations was converted into documents and diagrams. In addition to above knowledge I have some other important understanding and knowledge about spiritual matters and universal matters those which I gained through my spiritual research. (I hope to present all these to you in the future).

During my spiritual research, sometimes I had and I am still having some wonderful, miraculous spiritual experiences. (I hope to explain these wonderful, miraculous spiritual experiences in detail to you in the future). To understand these things I read hundreds and hundreds of books on spiritual matters. Luckily, I was able to understand these wonderful, miraculous spiritual experiences and to get these spiritual experiences confirmed with the help of reading these books.

Earlier I mentioned that the knowledge I got through meditations had been converted into diagrams or illustrations and I have already collected a lot of them. I hope to present these diagrams with details and explanations of them and the way how I received them through meditations to you in the future. I have named these diagrams or illustrations and details of them as realizations through meditations. We will see them later.

And also I mentioned that the knowledge I got through dreams had been converted into writings or documents. I have already collected a lot of them. I have named these writings or documents as day to day warnings or revelations through dreams. Now I present the way how I get the knowledge through dreams. During a slept night we dream a large number of different dreams. Usually when it is the next day morning, the most of dreams that dreamt during last night and the details of those dreams have been forgotten and faded and just a messed up slight memory of them remains in the mind. This is true and common even for me. But sometimes I dream some special dreams those which bring me the knowledge about the universe, universal laws, universal truths, universal theories, human mind and human behaviors. As soon as or after a little period of time I dreamt such a dream, I wake up from the sleep suddenly and automatically. The dream, the details of the dream and some symbols of the dream are crystal clearly in my mind. Then the knowledge about the universe, universal laws, universal truths, universal theories, human mind and human behaviors flows into my mind like a strong water stream, parallel and according to the symbols of the relevant dream. Then I fall into sleep again. When I get up in the next day morning that special dream, the details of that dream, the symbols of that dream and the knowledge that I got through that dream are crystal clearly in my mind like a silver line in a dark cloud. Then I make a special common prayer which I use for many years in my spiritual research and unite with the universe through my mind and start to write down the knowledge that I got through the dream. Then the fresh knowledge about the universe, universal laws, universal truths, universal theories, human mind and human behaviors and ideas related to them come through my mind like a water flow and I write down them on papers. This is how I convert the knowledge I get through dreams into writings or documents. I have already told that I have collected a lot of them and I have named them as day to day warnings or revelations through dreams. Now I forward them to you one by one. Please read these day to day warnings or revelations through dreams with patience and a wakeful mind. Please go through them thoroughly.


I hope that you read all of these day to day warnings or revelations through dreams well and understood or realized them. I have many, many, many things to present and explain to you those which I tested or experimented, I experienced, I realized or understood and I discovered during past eighteen years of my spiritual research. We will see them in the future.

During my spiritual research, I have been spending a life of complete celibacy for more than twelve years. It is very helpful in my spiritual research and compulsory for a spiritual life like this. I turned my life completely towards a dedicated spiritual life after the beginning of 2012. I will explain about that later in the future.

Dear Islam brothers and sisters, Catholic and Christian brothers and sisters, Buddhist brothers and sisters and Hindu brothers and sisters do never bewilder or flutter or jitter or get excited by the things those which I presented to you through my web-site. There are many more new and fresh things, matters, facts, information and knowledge to present or forward to you in the future. Sometimes, some of them may be controversial. We will see them later in the future. But I am sure that we have a clear path in front of us.

Some of you may think that I had and I am still having some wonderful and miraculous spiritual experiences only in Buddhist stream because I am a born Buddhist. No, I had and I am having such wonderful and miraculous spiritual experiences in Islamic stream, Catholic and Christian stream and Hindu stream too. That is why I addressed Islam brothers and sisters, Catholic and Christian brothers and sisters, Buddhist brothers and sisters and Hindu brothers and sisters evenly at the same time.