When you help someone regarding with anything, you must help him or her completely, honestly and purely without expecting anything in return. If you expect something or any help in return from the being you helped, the help you did is not complete, pure and honest. Actually it is just a deal. On the other hand, if you expect something or any help for the help you did in return and if you didn’t get that in return, you will definitely be unhappy, unsatisfied and be highly disgusted of the being that you helped and even will get angry with the being that you helped. And also if you expect something or any help for the help you did in return to approach any of your target or success and if you didn’t get that help in return, you will definitely face a difficult or a failure in approaching your target or success and even may lose the target or success. Finally through above all, you may repent or regret of the help you did and may even hate the being that you helped. So, never help anyone regarding with anything with expecting something or any help from that being or from others those who related to that being. Therefore if you help someone or anyone regarding with anything, do it completely, purely and honestly without expecting anything in return. Then it will be a real help. It will never be a deal at all. But when you are going to help someone or anyone at any time, you must consider and think whether the help you are going to do is suitable, appropriate, good, harmless, legal and acceptable and whether the help you are going to do is not making troubles or not doing any harm to you or anybody or everybody else in return. And also sometimes, you will happen to consider or think about the being that you are going to help and the time, the place and the opportunity that you are going to help because the help you do may become a trouble or an obstacle in return. So, be highly attentive of above all regarding the helping. And also through above all you will be able to perform Great Helps.

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