Money is needed by everybody in this mundane world for everything. In some instances, you see that money is the most important and the most excellent thing of all in this mundane world. In such instances hunger and greediness for money overwhelm you, your conscience, your humanity and whole yourself severely and completely. Then you forget about whom you are, what you are doing, what you should do and where you are going, in other word about whole yourself and you run after or pursue money. Actually hunger or greediness for money will alone distort you completely and wholly and you then feel that you can do anything and everything not only on the earth, but also in the universe with this money alone. Now you have started to run after or pursue money. You are trying in each and every way to earn or collect money. Now you want to earn or collect money by hook or crook. You are earning or collecting money like a madman greedily. And your hunger or thirst for money will increase step by step, day by day. Then you will try more other ways to earn or collect money legally or illegally. The more money, the more hunger for money. The more money, the more thirst for money. Now you are unable totally and wholly to satisfy or fulfill your hunger or thirst for money. Now you are like a mad dog that is looking for water. You forget even about your beloved ones. You forget about your friends and relations first. Then forget about your own children and wife. Or if you are a woman forget about your children and husband. Now your vision of life is only earning or collecting money. So, now you are hunting for much and much, more and more money. Now you feel that the society, fellow human-beings, humanity, conscience and duties are like simple jokes because you see that the most excellent and the most important thing, not only on the earth, but also in the universe, is money. Now the only thing that you see in all directions of you is money. You dream that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want with this money alone. So, you more and more run after or pursue money. You are earning or collecting, earning or collecting and earning or collecting money more and more. The more money, the more hunger for money. The more money, the more thirst for money. There is no end for this hunger or thirst for money. Sometimes you may be with a big mountain of your own money at the end. But you may have lost each and every other thing in your life, even your beloved ones like your own children and wife or husband. You may have lost your health and body. You may have lost your friends, relations and society. You have even lost your conscience, good attitudes, humanity and all. Actually what is this money? In one way, this money is just pieces of papers and metal coins with some values with them. And we know that earning or collecting this money is little difficult. And we know that all of us need this money to buy each and every worldly thing in this mundane world. But, can we say that the most excellent and the most important thing in our lives is this money? Actually are these pieces of papers and metal coins? Can you buy your death by spending this money? Or can you buy happiness in your mind or mental freedom by spending this money? Or can you buy eternity by spending this money? By spending these so-called pieces of papers and metal coins? But all of us know that we need this money to buy each and every worldly thing in this mundane world and it helps in stabilizing happiness in our minds and helps little in gaining mental freedom. But this money alone can never provide happiness in our minds or mental freedom. And also, it can never buy our death or eternity at all. So, how can we say that money is the most excellent or the most important thing in our lives? It is a fact that all of us need this money to buy each and every worldly thing in this mundane world. Other than this, money is a delusion or an illusion that destroys our lives or specially the spirit of our lives in many aspects. So, you must be intelligent in handling or especially in earning or collecting money. You know that the hunger or greediness or thirst for money has no end. This money alone can distort and destroy your whole life forever. Specially, if you are a person who consider and concern only about this mundane world, you have to be very careful about money because the delusion or the illusion of money alone brings many other delusions and illusions. If that happened, your life is distorted and destroyed like by an atom-bomb or cyclone or cataclysm. But, if the chief aim or main target or noble purpose of your life is super-mundane or spiritual and you always try to reach that super-mundane or spiritual target during this mundane life, money can affect little on your life. And if you properly, correctly and wholly try to reach that super-mundane or spiritual target during this mundane life, money will never be able to distort or destroy your life at all. And if you are properly, correctly and wholly reaching towards your super-mundane or spiritual target, you will definitely be able to see or understand or comprehend what a simple joke the money is. Although it is the truth, you have to earn and collect money to buy each and every worldly thing in this mundane world as parallel to your requirements. Therefore, please you must always try to see through or penetrate what money actually is and what you should do or how you act on money or regarding with money or with money

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